To honor our past and look to our future, we are holding a very special virtual event to renew our commitment to the vision of our founding members by "Passing the Torch to our Youth."
We cordially invite you to join us at our:
Friday, September 10, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Honorable Keynote Speakers
Sibil Fox Richardson
Also known as Fox Rich of the couple “FoxandRob,” who were featured in the Oscar nominated documentary “Time” about them enduring and surviving 21-years as an incarcerated family
Black Girls Rising
A group of young women ages 11-21, who are stepping into leadership and organizing to close youth prisons.
Special Honorees
James Bell of the W. Haywood Burns Institute
Ashley Shelton of the Power Coalition for Equity and Justice
The Youth Justice Funding Collaborative
Our Sponsors
Please contact us if there are questions or concerns by emailing us at fflic@fflic.org or calling 504-708-8376. Thank for your continual support of our youth and families.