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“We Will Carry On” reflects the work of FFLIC as it prepares to host its 20th anniversary gala benefit and continues to “carry on” the work of ending youth incarceration. The September 10th (and free) event will celebrate a legacy of Black female leadership, including FFLIC’s Black Girls Rising (BGR), a group ages 10-21 which provide holistic peer mentorship.

The script author, Ms. Flora Watson, is a founding member of FFLIC. Twenty years ago Ms. Flora joined with several other parents to challenge the youth incarceration system and form the organization. Together they pushed for the closure of Tallulah Correctional Center for Youth, a notorious youth prison. She and other advocates succeeded in closing Tallulah and securing the passage of Act 1225 of 2003, a bill intended to reform the youth justice system. Today, her granddaughters are leaders in BGR and they are carrying on the work.

Stay tuned for more details about registering for the benefit gala!